
Embodiment Practice

  /  Embodiment Practice

Embodiment practice through different forms of arts

Karolina Karter explores the combination of Alexander Technique with different forms of Arts, aiming at an integrated approach to the embodiment practice. Her wish is to open up the space for self exploration and growth using techniques of physical theatre, movement, expressive art, creative writing and meditation.
Along with elements based on Jungian approach, the educational/healing potential is explored. In this space we dive freely into the unknown, letting the unconscious create poetic bodies and mythical landscapes. We work with myths and tales, movement, neutral mask, painting and Alexander Technique.


  • Self exploration and personal growth
  • Enhancing the imagination and physical expression through multiple art forms
  • Develop critical thinking
  • Connection between inner and outer worlds
  • Mindfulness
  • Familiarity with our body and
  • Improvement of posture and movement