Alexander Technique is a common practice among actors, dancers and musicians all around the world, as the use of their bodies is also part of their work. However, the technique can be beneficial to anyone anticipating chronic pains and tensions, as well as to those who are interested in developing their body awareness in their everyday life.
YOGA & Alexander Technique
By applying A.T. in yoga practice one is able to learn how to protect its body to prevent injuries and feel safer. The body openness we usually feel after a yoga session, it is gone soon after, as we are losing the lengthening and widening, we acquired during our practice and the body returns to its habitual patterns.
Karolina Karter explores the combination of Alexander Technique with different forms of Arts, aiming at an integrated approach to the embodiment practice. Her wish is to open up the space for self exploration and growth using techniques of physical theatre, movement, expressive art, creative writing and meditation.
The Alexander Technique in conjunction with Creativity helps them to prevent, recognize and improve their kinetic patterns Through fantasy exercises, clay, and painting. The lessons are enjoyable, while we are covering a range of everyday activities such as: sitting on a chair, writing, using Laptop, reading, painting/drawing, dancing, walking, relaxing, and so on.